AI-Roster is the latest APP developed by Ingenav. It allows Air Traffic Controllers and their Company to organise their shifts in an easy and efficient manner.
This powerful tool permits ATCOs to receive their working roster on their mobile phone. The user can then propose changes with other controllers in a fast and easy way.
No more mistakes in managing rosters! The changes are automatically validated by AI-Roster based on rules previously agreed with the air navigation service provider and in accordance with fatigue risk management rules.
AI-Roster also permits Operations Management and Supervisors to call in stand by staff, to communicate with controllers and to send roster related information to Human Resources.
All the changes made are stored and sent to the Human Resources section.
Main characteristics:
- AI-Roster allows you to receive your roster on your mobile device
- It is secure and has individualised access.
- The company determines the rules. The APP automatically validates changes against these rules.
- AI-Roster stores and informs about additional information including total working hours and rest times between shifts.
- It offers direct communication with Human Resources.
- ATC Supervisors can use AI-Roster to manage the day to day rosters.
For more information
For more information send an email to or call on +34 911 697 641 or fill the form below: